For a breakout trade I would like to buy/sell stop into the market. Once the order is taken I would like a protective stop and limit automatically entered on the ladder.

Modified on 2012/03/14 06:56 by Rob Rrickson (CTS) — Categorized as: Uncategorized

You can submit a stop order that once it is filled it will submit an auto oco order. So if you Look at the screen shot I have clicked the stop button and the auto oco button and submitted my trade so if my buy stop is filled a limit Sell order will submit 5 tics higher and a sell stop will submit 5 tics lower from my fill price and when one is filled the other will be cancelled.

To enter an Auto OCO left click on the A oco option and the color will turn orange. Then set the number of tics away from the order that you want your limit and your stop to be placed. Now enter your order on the contract window. The limit and stop orders will be held on the server until the original order is filled. You can view these orders in the order book under the all or held tabs. If you cancel the original order the limit and stop will automatically cancel.
